Friday, December 5, 2008

She was right

A very wise woman once told me "Your wedding day will be the worst day of your life. You will be in a constant panic, did we forget anything, is everything ready, how do I does my crazy family look, why are those flowers sitting there!? All these questions will be running through your head all day."

Now I'm not even doing the whole "Wedding Day" thing its just the open house for our marriage two months ago. But it sure feels close to the state of panic I would be in.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Time, you can always count on it to always keep going, even if you don't want it to.

People always told me growing up to never work to much, embrace life, and be sure to take time out for yourself and loved ones. I have been working almost everyday but Sunday for about a month. I finally called in and took three days off for me and all the stuff that has to get done as soon as you get married. Such as changing my name, Drivers license, Social Security office and all that fun stuff. Its not a vacation but it will be wonderful to get all that stuff done and handles.


I wish there was more time in a single day

Monday, October 6, 2008

House hunting....What a freaking joke!!!

Oh my goodness! I cant believe this. Andrew and I are looking for a studio apartment and we were thinking something like 400 square feet. There are only two of us and we don't have a lot of stuff or money. So I'm looking on craigslist, KSL, and about a million and half other "for rent" websites. I found one that is $490/Month. I'm thinking OK yeah that makes sense until I saw the square footage, its only 250 Square feet what the crap!!! Then i thought well maybe all the utilities and all that jazz are included. But NO its all separate not only that but they want a $500 deposit, a $30 application fee, and a $200 pet deposit! We would have to have almost $2,000 dollars to get into the place once you add up hook up fees, cable and Internet, and moving expenses, plus furniture! Now don't get me wrong all those prices are totally one hundred percent normal if they are renting a 450+ square foot studio apartment. So yeah we are going to look at a different one that is about 400 square feet and only $400/month which by the way includes all utilities but electric cause that's based on usage. And bonus it an old vintage studio with all the original wood work and its recently been remodeled and its right down town. Yeah I think that's a better deal by like a thousand times.
I'm just realizing the pressures of adulthood. If you have any advice on how to make this whole transition from young girl to young women a tid bit more smooth let me know. Thanks for reading my rant and rave on idiots in the housing market.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Things change really fast especially when time is moving so fast.

Here is a list of strange things that happened as soon as I got married:
1. I Have boy stuff in my bedroom. Which is a whole new ballgame for me because there is only my dad as a male in the same house as me in my whole life.
2. Two more wonderful sisters Kristen and Missy. They are adorable!!!
3. One more set of Parents, they are great and cant wait to get to know them better.
4. I'm aloud to close my door and nobody knocks and is all like " wha cha doin??? huh huh what??"
5. And Wow new discovery I think I know how to cook....yeah it was weird I made pasta with out a problem and knew how to make french toast and Italian sodas with no issues involved. Oh and I didn't get lost in the grocery store!!!
So far married life is a lot of fun and pretty much what I expected. You know the whole financial stress that comes over night, the funny looks everyone gives me when I say "Yeah I'm married, and yes I'm 17", having to tell everyone the same three stories over and over and over again, how did you meet, how did he ask you, and are you sure you want to do this you are pretty young? But what ever we are happy as clams to who cares what people think. I'll keep everyone up to date on whats going on.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Do you people have any idea how hard it is to get back on to your own blog if you forgot the email and password to it!?! It's so annoying when someone in your house throws that little scrap of paper that has all your passwords and emails and crap on. You know the one. It was the only piece so paper handy and of course being an American I'm to lazy to go and get the notebook that is supposed to hold those important codes and stuff. So I make a mental note to never ever ever ever throw away the scrap of paper that has my hand writing on it and if you look at it with your eyes half closed at a certain angle it looks like a heart. but of course because its only my head and not everyone's around me, a little sisters is clearing off the desk one day to be nice and helpful and they throw away that oh so important little scrap of paper! Geez what a nightmare!!!

I'll be back later today to catch everyone up on whats going on with me and my family. Okey Dokey

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Where I'm From
By: Cat Harris 2007
I am from melting ice cream cones
from smiles and frowns
I am from my grandpa,
And "that look"
(the one when you did something bad,
but he'll never tell)
I am from the corner bookstore
On Main street
I am from "I told you so" and never ending sarcasm
From dads hard work and moms free spirit
I'm from movie lines and soft pink ballet slippers
From the tree house and swing in the backyard
I'm from crazy Canadians and creepy Italians
And "Munja" you're to skinny
I'm from National Cadet Competition and Civil Air Patrol
From midnight McDonald runs and cool summer nights
From the perfectly
Imperfect life and family that I love

Thursday, February 28, 2008

My family is my ROCK!

Hey everyone~
So my name is Cat, I live in Seattle Washington. I have three sisters, all of us are very different. but I love them. One of our favorite quotes is "I smile because we are sisters, I laugh because you cant change it" unknown. My older sister named Jess, is about to move out and become "a grown up" Yay! I'm really excited for her. I will miss her terribly but we will always be close. She has helped through so much It would take years to tell you half of them. From stupid things like what to wear to making a huge change in my life. Lizzy is one of my younger sisters she is 13 and feels that she should be allowed to do everything I do, she is like my shadow or a Minny me wanna be ha ha. No she is amazing she always puts a smile on my face no matter how bad my mood is and I love her for it. She lets me crash in her bed when I had a bad day and we will fall asleep talking about everything. Sarah is the baby of the family, she is 12. She is the sweetest person I have ever met. She would do anything to please the people around her and I would do anything for her. She currently has a broken foot so she is temporarily called Gimpy. My parents are fabulous as well. My Dad is named Brad he is a wonderful person and always gives me some of the best advice and is so caring. I love him to pieces. My mommy is named Lisa she doesn't look a day over twenty-five she would argue differently though. She is so amazing she always listens to me whine and complain about my little high school, drama infested, extremely busy, little life. She watches me make my mistakes and loves me at the end of the day anyway.
My Family is my rock they are always there for me and are always very supportive. No matter what I'm going through or what I'm worried about they will always love me, they may not like me but they will always love me. I decided to start my blog out like this because they are the people that matter in the long run. They are the people I'm stuck with forever so I'm going to put them first and then everyone will get to hear our story and how my life with change and make me a better person because of them.