Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Time, you can always count on it to always keep going, even if you don't want it to.

People always told me growing up to never work to much, embrace life, and be sure to take time out for yourself and loved ones. I have been working almost everyday but Sunday for about a month. I finally called in and took three days off for me and all the stuff that has to get done as soon as you get married. Such as changing my name, Drivers license, Social Security office and all that fun stuff. Its not a vacation but it will be wonderful to get all that stuff done and handles.


I wish there was more time in a single day

Monday, October 6, 2008

House hunting....What a freaking joke!!!

Oh my goodness! I cant believe this. Andrew and I are looking for a studio apartment and we were thinking something like 400 square feet. There are only two of us and we don't have a lot of stuff or money. So I'm looking on craigslist, KSL, and about a million and half other "for rent" websites. I found one that is $490/Month. I'm thinking OK yeah that makes sense until I saw the square footage, its only 250 Square feet what the crap!!! Then i thought well maybe all the utilities and all that jazz are included. But NO its all separate not only that but they want a $500 deposit, a $30 application fee, and a $200 pet deposit! We would have to have almost $2,000 dollars to get into the place once you add up hook up fees, cable and Internet, and moving expenses, plus furniture! Now don't get me wrong all those prices are totally one hundred percent normal if they are renting a 450+ square foot studio apartment. So yeah we are going to look at a different one that is about 400 square feet and only $400/month which by the way includes all utilities but electric cause that's based on usage. And bonus it an old vintage studio with all the original wood work and its recently been remodeled and its right down town. Yeah I think that's a better deal by like a thousand times.
I'm just realizing the pressures of adulthood. If you have any advice on how to make this whole transition from young girl to young women a tid bit more smooth let me know. Thanks for reading my rant and rave on idiots in the housing market.