Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Where I'm From
By: Cat Harris 2007
I am from melting ice cream cones
from smiles and frowns
I am from my grandpa,
And "that look"
(the one when you did something bad,
but he'll never tell)
I am from the corner bookstore
On Main street
I am from "I told you so" and never ending sarcasm
From dads hard work and moms free spirit
I'm from movie lines and soft pink ballet slippers
From the tree house and swing in the backyard
I'm from crazy Canadians and creepy Italians
And "Munja" you're to skinny
I'm from National Cadet Competition and Civil Air Patrol
From midnight McDonald runs and cool summer nights
From the perfectly
Imperfect life and family that I love


Brad's gaggle of girls said...

Cat I love this poem!! You are such a talented writer, thanks for sharing. :)

~Sarah~ said...

omg cat this is such a great poem you should share your skill with the rest of the not so talented !!!(me)